Architects should be involved in road and street design for several important reasons, as urban planning and design are becoming increasingly complex and integrated endeavours. Arguments for architects’ involvement in road and street design:

  1. Holistic Urban Design: Architects bring a holistic perspective to urban design. They consider not only the functional aspects of roads and streets but also their aesthetic and cultural significance. Integrating architectural principles into road and street design can lead to more visually appealing and people-friendly urban environments.
  2. Placemaking: Streets are not just thoroughfares for vehicles but also places where people live, work, and interact. Architects are skilled in creating spaces that foster community engagement and enhance the quality of life. Their involvement can contribute to placemaking efforts, making streets more inviting for pedestrians and promoting a sense of belonging.
  3. Safety and Accessibility: Architects can contribute to designing streets that prioritize safety and accessibility for all users, including pedestrians, cyclists, and people with disabilities. They can create innovative solutions to address traffic calming, pedestrian crossings, and the integration of green infrastructure, improving overall road safety.
  4. Sustainability: Architects are well-versed in sustainable design principles, which are increasingly important in urban planning. They can help design streets with eco-friendly features such as permeable pavements, rain gardens, and green corridors, contributing to improved environmental sustainability and resilience in urban areas.
  5. Integration of Land Use: Architects can play a crucial role in integrating land use with street design. They can ensure that streets are designed to accommodate mixed-use developments, which can reduce the need for extensive car travel, promote active transportation, and contribute to more vibrant and walkable neighbourhoods.
  6. Cultural Sensitivity: Architects are attuned to the cultural and historical context of urban areas. Their involvement can help preserve and celebrate the cultural heritage of a place through the design of streets and public spaces, incorporating elements that reflect the local identity and history.
  7. Innovation and Creativity: Architects bring innovation and creativity to the table. They can propose novel design solutions that go beyond conventional road and street design, resulting in more engaging, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing urban environments.
  8. Human-Centered Design: Architects have a strong focus on human-centred design, taking into account the needs and preferences of residents and users. This approach can lead to streets that are more user-friendly, accommodating, and enjoyable, ultimately improving the quality of life in cities.
  9. Collaborative Planning: Collaborative planning is essential in modern urban design, and architects can collaborate effectively with urban planners, engineers, landscape architects, and other stakeholders. Their interdisciplinary approach can lead to well-rounded and integrated street designs.
  10. Future-Proofing: Architects are forward-thinking and can consider future urban trends and challenges in their designs. This can help future-proof streets and road infrastructure by making them adaptable to changing technologies, transportation modes, and climate conditions.