Much like the rest of the world, the professional landscape in Kenya is filled with a broad spectrum of experts. These professionals are the foundation of the nation’s development and well-being, from teachers to engineers to doctors and nurses. However, Kenya’s prevailing disregard for professionals is alarmingly becoming an ingrained societal issue. Stemming from a misplaced sense of omniscience, this disrespect for professionals can lead to detrimental consequences, endangering the very fabric of society.

The Cult of Omniscience

In Kenya, a common phrase often heard is “Hakuna kitu mtatuambia” and “Hakuna kitu mtafanya,” translating to “there’s nothing you’ll tell us” and “there’s nothing you’ll do.” This attests to a dismissive attitude towards professionals and their expertise. Regrettably, this posture of omniscience undermines the importance of specialized knowledge and the years of training professionals undertake to hone their skills.

The Consequences of Disrespecting Professionals

Such disregard for professionals not only undermines their work but also encourages the proliferation of quackery. When people undervalue professionals, they become susceptible to unqualified individuals who masquerade as experts. These quacks capitalize on the public’s disdain for professionals, offering cheaper yet significantly subpar services. This can lead to dire consequences, especially in critical sectors like healthcare and engineering, where lives are at stake. Consequently, only after a disaster strikes does society cry foul, blaming the professionals for their perceived absence and incompetence.

The Selective Respect Dilemma

Further complicating the issue is the conditional respect accorded to professionals. When professionals stand against mediocrity, they are often met with the refrain, “You know I used to respect you so much…!” This conditional respect undermines the professionals’ stance and is a considerable hindrance to their efforts to uphold quality and standards. Respect for professionals should not be contingent on the endorsement of mediocrity but rather on their commitment to excellence.

A Focus on Critical Sectors

In particular, the sectors most affected by this culture of disrespect are those where “officially sanctioned quackery” causes the most harm. These include teaching, medicine, engineering, and nursing. Teachers mould future generations, healthcare workers safeguard the nation’s health, engineers design and maintain infrastructure, and nurses provide compassionate care. All these roles are critical to a thriving society, and disrespecting these professionals can lead to severe societal damage.

The prevailing disrespect for professionals in Kenya is a detrimental practice that poses a significant threat to society’s well-being. It is critical to cultivate a culture of respect and appreciation for professionals to mitigate the harmful effects of quackery and uphold quality standards. Society must understand that disrespecting professionals fosters a toxic environment that perpetuates mediocrity and places citizens at unnecessary risk. Thus, for the sake of the nation’s progress and security, respect and appreciation for professionals must be restored.