When considering the purchase of a property, be it an apartment, bungalow, or flat, obtaining a variety of reports can provide crucial insights and help you make an informed decision. Here are the key reports to consider:

  1. EIA Report

Environment Impact Assessment (EIA)

The Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) report is prepared by an environment-licensed expert under the Environmental Management and Coordination Act (EMCA). This report provides crucial information about the compliance status of EIA objectives and recommendations. It ensures that health, safety, and environmental sustainability measures have been considered in the property’s development. The EIA report is also a regulatory requirement, highlighting any potential environmental risks and impacts associated with the property. Understanding these factors can help you assess the long-term viability and compliance of the property.

  1. Geotechnical Report

Geotechnical Analysis

A geotechnical report is conducted by a geotechnical engineer and provides insight into the geological and soil conditions of a property. This information is vital for making informed decisions about purchasing or selling a property. For instance, if the report indicates that the property is located in an area prone to landslides or flooding, this could impact your decision. The report can also reveal whether the soil is suitable for specific constructions, such as a septic tank installation. By understanding the potential risks and liabilities associated with the property’s geological conditions, you can better negotiate the sale price or decide if the property meets your needs.

  1. Technical & Structural Site Survey Report

Detailed Site Survey

A technical and structural site survey report is carried out by licensed engineers using a range of equipment and surveying techniques. This report provides accurate details about key elements within buildings and structures, including the positioning and alignment of columns, level changes, layout of lifts and stairs, and materials used. The survey ensures that the contractor has followed the approved drawings and helps identify any structural issues or deviations. This information is crucial for verifying the integrity and safety of the building.

  1. Conditional Survey Report

Building Condition Assessment

Conducted by registered building surveyors under the Building Survey Act No 19, 2018, a conditional survey report provides an impartial assessment of the current state of repairs and maintenance of the property. This report is particularly important if the building is old or has potential issues that could be costly to address. It outlines necessary repairs, potential modifications, modernization needs, and remodelling suggestions. Having a clear understanding of the property’s condition can help you budget for future maintenance and negotiate the purchase price.

  1. Valuation Report

Property Valuation

A valuation report prepared by registered valuers, as per the Valuers Act Cap 532, provides an estimated market value of the property. This report helps determine the amount for which the property should be exchanged between a willing buyer and seller in an arms-length transaction. The valuation takes into account current market conditions, ensuring both parties act knowledgeably, prudently, and without compulsion. Additionally, if there are discrepancies in ownership records or boundary locations, the report may recommend further land administration or survey reports.

  1. Rental Assessment Report

Rental Appraisal

A rental assessment report, also known as a rental appraisal, is conducted by property managers or valuers. This report analyzes the property, its market, and its location to determine the expected rental income or appropriate rent to charge. The expert provides a detailed report based on their findings and market reviews. This information is essential for investors looking to generate rental income and ensures that the rental rates are competitive and aligned with market trends.

  1. Building Accessibility Component Compliance Report from NCPWD

Accessibility Compliance

The Building Accessibility Component Compliance Report, issued by the National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD), ensures that the property meets accessibility standards for people with disabilities. This report evaluates the design and construction of the property to ensure it is accessible to all individuals, including those with disabilities. Compliance with these standards is not only a legal requirement but also a commitment to inclusivity and equality. Ensuring accessibility can enhance the property’s appeal and value.


Obtaining these reports before purchasing a property is essential for making an informed decision. Each report provides unique insights into different aspects of the property, from environmental and geological conditions to structural integrity and market value. By considering these reports, you can ensure that the property meets your needs, complies with regulations, and is a sound investment.