The ascent of President William Ruto to the helm of power in Kenya has been one of the most awe-inspiring journeys in the nation’s political landscape. Ruto’s story is not one of inheritance or privilege; it epitomises perseverance, resilience, and an unyielding belief in oneself. This tale is enshrined in a single term – ‘Hustler’. In this context, a hustler embodies a person who has pulled himself up from the depths of adversity through a series of hardships to reach a seemingly insurmountable height. Thus, President Ruto’s life is a testament to the term and the hope it gives millions of Kenyans.

The Humble Beginnings

Ruto’s background is an embodiment of the typical hustler story. Born into a humble background in Uasin Gishu County, his early life was marked by struggle and poverty. He spent his early years helping his parents in subsistence farming, which provided a meagre income for the family. Despite these challenges, Ruto’s parents instilled in him a firm belief in education and the power of hard work. This early experience planted the seeds of a hustler in him, defining his relentless drive and vision.

The Uphill Climb

Ruto’s political journey is an instructive lesson on the power of determination. He started his political career as a grassroots organiser. He later served as a Member of Parliament, Cabinet Minister, Deputy President and finally ascended to the highest office in the country. His political rise has been characterised by a strong work ethic, strategic alliances, and a relentless drive to overcome obstacles. He was never afraid of starting from the bottom and working his way up – a signature characteristic of a hustler.

Resilience Amidst Adversity

Like any true hustler, Ruto’s path to the presidency was riddled with adversities and numerous setbacks. He faced political witch hunts, smear campaigns, and legal battles. However, he turned these adversities into stepping stones, using each setback to further fuel his ambition and resilience. Ruto’s ability to bounce back from these challenges and emerge stronger is a testament to his hustler spirit.

The Hustler’s Vision

One of the key aspects of Ruto’s presidency has been his unique ‘hustler’s vision’. He has made it a point to align the interests of the common mwananchi (citizen) with the country’s developmental goals. His policies have often focused on empowering the youth, women, and the disenfranchised, a strategy he refers to as the ‘bottom-up’ approach. This has endeared him to many Kenyans, who see in him a leader who understands and represents their struggles.

The Hustler’s Legacy

President Ruto’s hustler narrative has profoundly influenced Kenya’s political and social landscape. It has inspired millions of Kenyans, who identify with his struggles and ascent to power. His story has redefined the perception of leadership in the country, breaking the traditional norm that leadership is a preserve for the elite.


President William Ruto is the embodiment of a true hustler. His rise from humble beginnings to the presidency is a compelling story of hard work, resilience, and unyielding belief in one’s potential. It is a testament to the fact that anyone, regardless of their background, can rise to the highest echelons of power with determination, hard work, and resilience. Therefore, President Ruto’s life is not just a personal success story, but a beacon of hope for millions of Kenyans and a source of inspiration for every hustler out there.