A meddling or prying person.

I shall keep my identity hidden so that people only pay attention to my opinions, not myself. What is important is what is said, not who said it.

The faults in the writings are sufficient without my offering the critics the faults of my personality as well.

If people knew my identity, they would say: ‘His writings are not consistent with his character; he ought to spend his time on something better; this is not worthy of a serious man.’

Critics never fail to make comments of this kind because they can be produced without great mental effort.

I shall be impartial towards all people and institutions. Still, whatsoever I find nonsensically ridiculous or immorally dishonest, I have and shall continue openly to attack with the Freedom of an honest human and a Lover of my Country.

If you want to contact me, do so through busy[at]busybodyessays.com